
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday News

Today is my first day of school! Starting tonight, I’m taking an introductory Finnish class one evening a week. Why Finnish? My grandmother immigrated from Fnland and was so determined to learn to speak English, she didn’t teach her children or grandchildren to speak Finnish. She was one determined woman, and I loved and admired her for it, but I’ve always wished I’d had the chance to learn her first language. So after many years, today’s the first day of that journey.

Last Saturday I presented a workshop—The Hero’s Journey: Creating Characters Hollywood Style—to the Vancouver Island Chapter of Romance Writers of America. I used one of my favorite romantic comedies, Love Actually, as an example of how screenwriters use archetypes to create dynamic characters. I received lots of wonderful and positive feedback, which is always great, and as always when doing something like this, I learned a lot while putting the workshop together.

Can you believe we’re into autumn and it’s almost October? This weekend I’ll be taking part in the BC Women’s Show in Victoria, BC. Then I’m heading to the Emerald City Writers Conference in Seattle—October 9 to 11—and am so looking forward to connecting with a group of other writers. Busy days!

Until next time,


Jodie Esch said...

Super! Enjoy your lessons. Such a wonderful idea to stretch the mind.Have a great time.

Lee McKenzie said...

ITA, Jodie! Learning a new language is like brain calisthenics, and my first class was so much fun!

Marin Thomas said...

Lee, what a neat thing to do--taking a new language class! Sounds like fun and I'm sure you'll meet some interesting people there.

A Cowboy Christmas (Dec 09)

Lee McKenzie said...

Hi, Marin! Yes, I've already met some interesting people, including several like me who grew up hearing Finnish but never learning to speak it.

Two of the first words I learned were musta kissa, which means black cat. Easy to remember because I have a musta kissa!

Anita Birt said...

My two best friends in public school in Toronto were Finnish. Helva and Eila Karsikas. Their father made musical instruments. Their mother spoke no English. She made bread and I loved the smells in their kitchen. Unfortunately, she never offered my a slice.

I am looking forward to your third book, Firefighter Daddy. I heard your workshop was superb. Sorry I couldn't make it.

Lee McKenzie said...

Anita, my grandmother used to bake all sorts of wonderful bread. My favorite was pulla, a sweet bread flavored with cardomom. Fresh and warm from the oven with a little butter . . . delicious!